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Our Mission

To promote a culture of health for the citizens of Arkansas by advancing nursing education, practice, leadership, and workforce development.

Our Purpose

  1. Serve as a statewide data clearinghouse regarding nursing practice, nursing work force supply and demand, and nursing education.
  2. Publish reports of the current state of the nursing workforce, including nursing supply, demand, and educational opportunities to the citizens of Arkansas.
  3. Promote a culture of health for the citizens of Arkansas.
  4. Promote a diverse nursing workforce to meet the needs of the citizens of Arkansas.
  5. Set policy and govern the operations of the Arkansas Center for Nursing, Inc.
  6. Exercise any, all, and every power that a nonprofit corporation organized under the provisions of the State of Arkansas for charitable, professional, and educational purposes, all for the public welfare, can be authorized to exercise but not any other purpose.

Arkansas Center for Nursing, Inc. © 2024, All Rights Reserved.  Website by Nicasio LLC

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