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Sarah Bemis, DNP, BA, RN

June 05, 2024 9:33 AM | Anonymous

Dr. Sarah Bemis headshotDr. Sarah Bemis serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Center for Nursing. She is a transformational leader and advocate dedicated to the empowerment of the next generation of nurses uniquely positioned to drive initiatives that advance the quality and efficiency of our communities. Dr. Bemis holds a Bachelors of Arts (BA), an MSN (nursing education), and a doctoral degree in nursing practice (DNP).

Sarah began her professional nursing practice 16 years ago as an RN in the Emergency Department at Arkansas Children’s in Little Rock and then advanced to specialize as a Trauma Program Coordinator. She was privileged to work alongside other leaders in Arkansas who worked tirelessly to build a unified statewide trauma system. Sarah played a unique role in this effort by chairing the first Injury Prevention Committee of the Central Arkansas Trauma Regional Advisory Council, implementing the first county-wide ATV safety campaign, and serving as the inaugural research fellow at Arkansas Children’s after establishing the first inpatient injury prevention program and studying the impact of targeted injury prevention education on patients and their families. Sarah’s passion for service and advocacy continued as she transitioned to school health while working for the Pulaski County Special School District.

Sarah worked with leaders from the National Association of School Nurses to advocate for policies that improved healthcare access through school-based clinics, access to undesignated life-saving medications for anaphylaxis and asthma management, and improved health and learning outcomes by supporting policies that mandate at least one nurse in every Arkansas school.

In 2016, Sarah transitioned to academia, providing pediatric and leadership training for undergraduate nursing students at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Capella University, and most recently, the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, as the Assistant Director for the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing since the fall of 2021.

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